Thursday 3 July 2008

Alicia Keys - Keys I Want To Adopt Like Angelina Jolie

LATEST: ALICIA KEYS wants to follow in the footsteps of ANGELINA JOLIE and adopt a brood of multi-racial children.

The singer insists she loves kids and working alongside South African orphans in 2006 charity movie We Are Together made her broody to have children of her own.

But the 28-year-old insists motherhood is on the backburner for now, while she pursues her singing career.

Speaking to WENN at a special screening of the movie in New York City on Thursday (12Jun08) night, Keys said, "I've always loved kids. Kids are so important. It's important to nurture and spend time with them and listen to them.

"I'm not ready to be a mom. But (adoption) is something that is important to consider. That's what I really admire about Angelina. I think it's beautiful the way she embraces children of the world."

And she insists she would like to create a family of different cultures, like Jolie: "We are all one. We're not as separate as we oftentimes think. So I possibly would (adopt), when I'm more in the motherhood stage of my life."

Keys leads an intensely private personal life, but is rumoured to be dating and planning to marry record producer and business partner Kerry 'Krucial' Brothers.

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